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Dr Genchev dentist basal dental implant Bulgaria Plovdiv

Dr Genchev is a dentist and implantologist specializing in full dental restoration with basal implants. His dental practice is located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Dr Genchev Results

Dr Genchev is a specialist of full mouth dental restoration with immediate-loading basal dental implants immédiate in 1 visit of 5 days. See the reviews of Dr Genchev.

opg basal dental implant for full rehabilitation

Basal Implant Restoration

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opg basal dental implant for full rehabilitation

Basal Dental Implant Photos Before and After

Dr Genchev is a specialist of full mouth dental restoration with immediate-loading basal dental implants immédiate in 1 visit of 5 days. See the reviews of Dr Genchev.

Dr Genchev in Plovdiv Bulgaria

Dr Genchev’s dental practice is located in the center of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. There are direct flights to Plovdiv and Sofia airports.

Dr Genchev

147 Boulevard Tsar Boris III Obedenitel
Plovdiv 4000

+359 88 49 79 682

English, French, Bulgarian