Dental Implants

There 2 types of dental implants, conventional and basal dental implants.

Conventional dental implants are used to replace missing teeth and in the dental restoration system All on 4 and All on 6.

Basal dental implants have been especiall deveoped for the ful dental restoration of edentulous patients with missing teeth and severe bone atrophy.

Basal dental implants are the best solution for the dental treatment of edentulism, gum disease, bruxism. It is also the best solution for replacing missing teeth of patients who smoke or who suffer from diabetes.

opg x-ray basal implantology

What is basal implantology?

Basal implantology is the best technique for the full dental restoration of patients who suffer from gum disease and tooth loss with severe bone atrophy.

Consultation : Not sure if you basal dental implants? Ask for a free dental consultation.

Advice : Looking for advice to find the right implant dentist ? Ask for some help !

Analysis : You have a quote from a dentist, not sure if it’s the right one for you? Ask us for help to analyse the treatment plan.

All this information is provided solely as educational content. It is not medical advice. Our aim is to clarify and democratise medical terminology and concepts relating to dental implantology and full mouth dental restoration. For medical advice please consult multiple qualified implant dentists and compare their answers.